Later on you should upgrade this one to 40 width(14infantry + 4 art) 10 width anti-tank template. Paratroopers are best used to support encirclement or secure some high value objectives - like ports or airfields or those last few victory points. Unit file \common\units \common\Hearts of Iron IV\gfx\interface\counters\divisions_large. Just make sure to keep clear route back to airport. For example, you can place your forces on the border of a country you intend to attack. In fact considering Soft Attack per supply point just stacking paratrooper battalions results in higher soft attack than adding support artillery. You won’t have any supply there anyway since I imagine you’re dropping behind the lines.

Best Division template: 25 SP-AA with AAA support. If you have 48 divisions, change template to 3ART + 1AT + 15INF with. A tier list is a ranking system that allows you to rank anything in tiers from the best to worst. It is time to show your ability as the greatest military leader in the world. Each combat regiment in a division consists entirely of a mix of battalions within a single battalion type. (HOI4 Civil War Guide and When you should do it) : Did i just figure out HOI4 Man the Guns Release Date? The first section called “Basic Templates” includes all kind of regular templates which will work perfectly in every situation, even tho they are basic.The second section called “Advanced Templates” has several templates which are good only in certain situations. Patch 1.9 Husky is a substantial update, following the equally, if not more so, substantial update that released with the last DLC, Man the Guns. The Battle of Dien Bien Phu was the decisive engagement in the first Indochina War (1946–54). A lot of people like lean 10 width division of 5 paratroopers with Recon and Engineering. Financial business flyer is a Microsoft Office template for Word.

Any help please chaps? Now this unit can capture cities, but if attacked, it is screwed. Suppression counters partisans operating in a region, preventing them from damaging industry.

I must admit I don't really look at the numbers. I can attest to this tactic, though it requires that you are actually able to secure a supply line quickly. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. Last time I checked you cannot paradrop artillery, right? Without the expansion, Hungary utilizes the Generic national focus tree instead. So far, we have focused entirely on your paratroopers. Check if the mod is up to date with the most recent patch for HOI4 (Currently 1.10 Collie). Mobile battalions: Cavalry, motorized infantry, mechanized infantry, motorized rocket artillery 3. The first section called “Basic Templates” includes all kind of regular templates which will work perfectly in every situation, even tho they are basic.