"Jeez Louise, what the fuck?!" - Clay, after a sniper bullet bounces off his helmet. " Whoh, that was close!" - Clay, after nearly being hit by a flying car. Two near death experiences Clay nearly demolished by playground equipment Near the end of the game, there is one final fake-out, in which Clayton's helmet is seen on the ground next to a wounded Gear before Clayton (whose head is off-screen) retrieves the helmet and puts it back on, having survived the events of Gears of War 3. These "teasers" were in reference to the popular charity fan poll that took place in 2010 to determine whether or not Clayton would survive the game, given that both of his brothers were killed in the story modes of their games. He also uses a boom-shield when playing beast mode.ĭuring the second half of act one he has many near death experiences such as a time where a car drops next to him, and taking a sniper shot that grazes the side of his helmet - which he had specifically reinforced against such attacks after his brother Anthony was killed by a sniper in the original Gears of War. He carries a torque bow, lancer, and snub throughout the game. He fought as a gear since Emergence Day and is due to join Delta in Gears of War 3 to replace the deceased Benjamin Carmine. Clayton Carmine is the oldest and most combat experienced of the four Carmine brothers.